Though we clearly do not want children to attend school when they are ill, please ensure that your child has the minimum possible time off school. Absence is a key factor in low achievement.
What if my child is going to be absent from school?
Please contact the school by telephone: Anstey on 0116 2355600 or Ratby on 0116 2390444 before 9am. If no one is available to take the call, please leave a voicemail with your child’s name and the reason for their absence. Office hours are Monday to Friday 8:30-16:00.
We must have a reason for all absences from school.
What if my child has an appointment in school hours?
Where possible please make appointments for outside of school hours. If you must attend an appointment during the school day, please notify the office as soon as possible to make us aware and ensure you bring in or send appointment confirmation letters to the office ahead of the appointment date.