The Next Steps and What to Expect
Transition can be a huge and anxious time for both students and parents/carers. As a school we aim to support both parents/carers and students with their next steps. However, with transition out, it is important to highlight the processes and the level of support the school and transition lead can support with.
At the start of year 10 it is important to begin looking at your child’s next steps, whether that be sixth form, college, specialist provision, apprenticeship or traineeship. Wolfdale School can support with the following:
Discuss and share options that are available.
1-1 guidance interview with student to identify their needs, wants and expectations for the future.
Make you aware of the open days coming up.
Liaise with provision on your child’s needs and share information.
It will be advised that you attend open days or arrange a visit to the provider of interest. The sooner you start this the smoother the transition.
Once your child enters year 11 they will have an EHCP review, which is where the school will write your child’s next provision in section I. The EHCP is then sent to the local authority, who will then send it to the next provision as a consult. When a consult is sent to the next provision, they will assess whether they can meet your child’s needs. This does not mean your child has been accepted or has a place. Alongside this, you will also need to apply for your next provision however, this will depend on the provisions application process and when they have opened the course application window. Wolfdale School can support with the following:
The school's career advisor will offer advice and guidance during your child's transition,.
The school will liaise with your child’s next provision to identify the status of the application. If it is a mainstream provision they will only speak with parents or the child therefore, if this is the case, it will be communicated to you.
Complete and send forms to the next provision. This can include EHCP, student information, attendance data and safeguarding information.
Prepare students’ for their interview. This could be for a college course, apprenticeship or work.
Transition visits will be arranged.