At Wolfdale School we provide Speech and Language Therapy for all students who require support with their speech, language and communication development. Our onsite Speech and Language Therapist, Shakira, works directly with our students in 1:1 and group sessions.

A treatment and management plan are devised for each individual student who has been referred for Speech and Language Therapy. During this, the Speech and Language Therapist will also liaise with staff members and parents to develop personalised strategies to support your child’s needs.

Students can be referred from staff members, parents, external professionals, and the children themselves.

 A child may be referred due to difficulties with:

-          Speech sound difficulties

-          Receptive and/or expressive language difficulties

-          Attention and listening

-          Stammer

-          Voice

-          Social communication and interactions

-          Verbal/ non-verbal communication

At times, training will also be provided to staff by the Speech and Language Therapist so they are aware of signs of speech, language and communication difficulties and how they can support the students appropriately. Advice will be provided to staff and parents to help support the child’s needs and will be expected to be carried out to ensure effective and shorter treatment.

“My goal is to help students succeed academically and provide them beneficial support to prepare them when transitioning from school to further education. Initially allowing them to communicate independently and more comfortably in their day-to-day life especially within social situations.”
