Support the Parent/Carer can expect
We recognise that the experiences for all vary from positives to difficulties. At Wolfdale we encourage a positive communication channel whether through direct meetings, telephone calls or e-mails.
Wolfdale School aim to have an open-door policy for parent/carers whereby if you need to meet with a member of staff from the school this would be arranged.
Where possible we ask to give notice to meet and the reasons why, however we appreciate this cannot always be done. On most occasions we would hope you could meet with the relevant staff to resolve any queries; in the event you cannot meet them we would listen to your points and arrange a follow up meeting.
Our aim is to work collaboratively to ensure the young persons needs are met promoting aspiration, confidence and positive relationships inside and outside of school.
What does the Support look like?
Within the school structure we may explore various routes in resolving a concern this may include:
A holistic approach where leads from the Inclusion, Wellbeing and Curriculum teams meet to look at a difficulty from all angles
Exploration of supporting services such as local family groups or support groups
Access to Early Help
Many families/carers can often think Early Help is ‘social services getting involved’ and may view this as a negative. It is important to understand that Early Help is a supportive service that aims to intervene at the earliest opportunity to reduce concerns when they first occur in order to improve the young person’s outcomes.
Such intervention is given to the young person, parent/carer or the whole family unit. This includes supporting families experiencing challenging and/or risk-taking behaviour and helping to find possible reasons for this. Provide advice to families/carers offering behaviour and environmental strategies and provide services such as training to promote understanding of various difficulties such as ADHD. Early Help aim to work alongside the family and young person to achieve the best outcome for all.
Annual Reviews
The school complete annual Education Health & Care Plan Reviews where a review of the young persons placement is held. This provides opportunities for the school and parents/carers to share progress, concerns and areas of improvement. The relevant Special Educational Needs Assessment and Commissioning Service (SENA) are also invited along with any other relevant service involved with the young person such as a Speech and Language Therapist.
End of Year Reports
The school complete end of year reports for each young person which provide an outline of the core areas of learning completed over the year. The reports also give levels for English and Maths.
End of Year Celebration
In July the school have a gathering to end the academic year where all parents are invited. This provides opportunities for families/carers to meet with staff sharing work completed over the year. This is often a great afternoon filled with food, fun and smiles.